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K-Pop Pick Of The Day: Vanishing Paycheck

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Track: Vanishing Paycheck | Artist: Stella Jang | Album: Vanishing Paycheck (single)

 Whimsy and innocence? In K-Pop? Stranger things have happened.

We’ve heard Stella Jang before, first with the wonderfully moody-cum-jazzy Monsieur, then with the 1980s nostalgia trip that was Beautiful. Vanishing Paycheck is more contemporary than either of them, but that doesn’t mean it’s anywhere close to mainstream K-Pop. It opens with a solitary accordion trill, which is quickly joined by a vaguely off-key piano and steel drums. Finally, Stella’s no-frills vocals are a perfect complement to this unabashedly whimsical instrumental.

In a way, Vanishing Paycheck’s vaguely circus/fun fair-accented music reminds me of a major-key version of Sunny Hill’s Midnight Circus, although far less morbid and Burtonesque.


Lastly: let it be on the record that I identify with the title of this song so much. Like, where does it all go??? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯