Autumn Vacation is a two-member Korean indie group active since 2009, and Sometimes I Want To Hug You Like Crazy (that might be the longest-ever title in the history of this column) is from their first eponymous album.
The vocalist absolutely makes this track; her name is Im Soo Jin (stage name Cinnamon), and prior to Autumn Vacation’s first release, was a part of celebrated Korean indie groups Broccoli Even You and Ukulele Picnic. The other member, Bobby Jung, is formerly of indie rock band Julia Hart, and this song is actually a re-imagined version of a track that was originally listed on a 2005 Julia Hart album.
Autumn Vacation’s future is somewhat shrouded in mystery; in 2017, Bobby posted a note saying that he was stepping back from live performances to focus on song production while stressing that he would not be leaving the band. However, the group hasn’t released any more music since then, with their last album being 2017's Mind House.