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Japanese Super Creators Making Social Games

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Super Duper | TOKYO, JAPAN: Big name Japanese game designers like Yuji Naka, Keiji Inafune, and Goichi Suda eye social games. (Photo: Game Impress Watch)

Boring Booth Babe Outfits, These Ain't Wonder Festival is a bi-annual event to showcase gaming and anime figures and models. It's also a chance to showcase fancy booth babe outfits.


This Concept Art Flies Right Into the Danger Zone In 2008, publisher THQ shitcanned a project called Stormbirds, an aerial combat game that was looking to take on the likes of Ace Combat and HAWX.


An Amazing Mass Effect Gun That Exists In the Real World Harrison Krix, aka Volpin, is a master craftsman. We've featured his work here on Kotaku before, whether it be related to Portal or Fallout 3. But this Mass Effect 3 gun is on another level.


From Creepy to Cute, Cosplay at Wonder Festival This weekend, the bi-annual Wonder Festival, an event for video game and anime figurines and sculptures, roared through Tokyo. And whenever there's a nerd gathering, there's gonna be cosplay.


An Outlaw to the End Part of the appeal of 2010 smash hit Red Dead Redemption was the fact it was a Western, a trusted film genre yet one woefully under-represented in video games.


Went camping this weekend. Had a super time! If you ever get a chance to visit Ise, Japan, I highly recommend it. Their Udon is delicious. –Brian Ashcraft

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