Fresh from the success of last year's Tropico 3, Kalypso Media and developer Haemimont Games bring El Presidente into the 21st century, adding in Facebook and Twitter functionality into next year's Tropico 4.
With six years between Tropico 2: Pirate Cove and last year's Tropico 3, you can forgive me for being surprised by the short amount of time between the release of the third installment and the reveal of the fourth. I guess Metacritic scores in the mid to high 70's and a warm reception from players has Haemimont Games ready to refine the formula even further.
Tropico 4, due out for the PC next year with potential console versions to be revealed later, sees the return of El Presidente, bringing with him new enemies and new allies to help or hinder his goal of transforming his tiny island nation into a global superpower.
The new installment features 20 new missions across 10 maps, 20 new buildings, and six more interactive disasters, including the ever-popular volcano. You'll be able to appoint citizens to your Council of Ministers to help push through controversial decisions, or receive special objectives during your missions from Tropico factions and foreign powers.
And then of course there is the Facebook and Twitter integration. Players will be able to Tweet or post game updates to their Facebook wall, check your rank against other dictators on a Tropico Facebook page, or upload screenshots automatically to a Facebook gallery. It sounds like El Presidente is going a little social networking crazy this time around.
Mind you all of those social networking features apply to the PC version only, and not the console version that hasn't been revealed yet.
Check out the first screens from Tropico 4 below. Looks like the prettier it gets, the more often we'll be visiting.