OK, get out those calendars. I've set the time for this year's Child's Play Funde Razor in Denver. The event will be held at The Mercury Cafe downtown on Dec. 10 from 7 p.m. until 11 p.m. The cover will be a $10 minimum donation and that will get you a ticket for a chance to win some of the awesome schwag I'll be bringing down with me. This awesome new venue can hold 300 or so people includes a full bar, some tables and even the ability to order food if you want it. Better still, this year round due to popular demand the age limit will be 18 and older. To buy drinks you'll just have show your ID at the bar. So if you want to show up to play some Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero World Tour (maybe even Rock Revolution) for a good cause mark December 10th in your calendar. Look for a blow-out picture of all of the goodies we'll be giving away, directions, parking, and all that good stuff. Also a number of people have offered up some pretty interesting items for a charity auction which we plan to run in conjunction with the Funde Razor. Stay tuned!
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