To: Ash From: McWhertor Re: Michael Crichton: 1942-2008 Crecente and I are racing to beat both Gears of War 2 and Resistance 2, respectively, today. That's why you're going to see a short day note. Funny enough, my review of Insomniac Games' sequel is due tomorrow, meaning I have less time, but guess who got day note duties? Hmph! Don't mind me, just a bit cranky from all these one-hit kills from invisible Chimera I'm "enjoying." Here's some stuff you missed! PlayStation 3 Sales Rebound In Japan, DSi Tops Charts Grand Theft Auto IV #1 With A Bullet In Japan Which Drums Are Louder: Rock Band 2 or Guitar Hero World Tour[?] Halo Wars LE Sweetened By Mythic Map Pack MotorStorm: Pacific Rift Review: A Festival of Mayhem Electronic Arts Ditches Casual Label, Merges It With The Sims Sega Reveals Splotchy 40 Game Mega Drive Compilation
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