To: Ash
From: Crecente
Re: Today Was Nazi, Bikini Lady, Toilet Paper
Sheesh it's been a busy month. I spent all of last week attending press conferences and game days put on by half a dozen publishers in San Francisco and Los Angles. Then I flew home for the weekend and turned around and flew back out on Monday to speak on a panel at Ziff Davis' annual Electronic Gaming Summit. I flew back from that last night and then left this morning to drive to El Paso, Texas to visit my mom and step-dad. As often is the case, I'm riding shotgun so I can blog on the move while my lovely wife drives us through (this time around) huge wind gusts, torrential down pours and, for a few minutes, a hail storm.
I brought along the Wii and Wii Fit to see what my mom thinks of it and plan on loading up Age of Conan at the house to see if it lives up to my expectations. All of my posts from the week and a half of events have already gone up with the exception of Ubisoft's stuff, which is embargoed until next week.
What you missed:
Guitar Hero World Tour: The Press Release
BioShock Confirmed For PS3
Bethesda Teams with Splash Damage
Euro Kotaku Job
Nintendo's Dunaway: Wii Fit Won't Be Purchased and Forgotten
Which Publishers Can Think Globally, Act Globally?
Thompson Sanctions Hearing Set For June 4
Sonic Unleashed Impressions
Dead Space: Hands-On Impressions
GameStop Reveals New Stores, Top 5 Q1 Sellers
Whorelore Incites The Rage Of Bonan