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International Game Developers Association Now Offers Healthcare

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Now is a better time than any to join the International Game Developers Association, as the industry advocacy group adds eligibility for the IGDA Healthcare Program to its list of membership benefits.

Healthcare is a hot-button issue in the U.S. right now, and with the way the winds of change are blowing, you might not want to find yourself without it. Luckily the IDGA has game industry professionals covered, having negotiated a group rate for members with Association Health Programs. Any U.S. member in good standing may join come January 2010. The association's Jamil Moledina explains:

Largely through the tireless and cheerful efforts of our dynamic new Executive Director Joshua Caulfield, we are incredibly proud to announce the IGDA Healthcare Program. The IGDA HP grants you access to the IGDA group account with Association Health Programs, a national US brokerage that negotiates and presents the best available insurance offerings from leading health insurance companies. Starting in January 2010, you will be able to connect directly with an account executive who will generate a set of group-negotiated healthcare options, for you to choose from.

While the cost is still being determined, it should give those IDGA members without health insurance a fairly discounted rate, keeping them and their families healthy so they can continue making us fun things to play with.


Board Blog - IGDA Starts Healthcare Program! [IGDA]