Yesterday, we talked about our favorite games of 2013. Now comes the hour of our discontent. It's time to vent, to get mad, to talk about sadness and disappointment. Hooray?
As we catch our breath during the comparatively slow month of May, it's a good time to take stock. Now that you guys have articulated the games you were happy to play, I'm curious to know which games you wish you hadn't played at all.
Some prompts:
1) What is your least favorite game of the year so far? Why?
2) Have you played a game that you felt sure was going to be great, but it let you down? What has been your biggest disappointment this year?
3) Is there an already-released game that sounds so bad you're actually interested in playing it?
Last night we had a lot of consensus for favorite games around the usual suspects—Tomb Raider, BioShock Infinite, Fire Emblem and the like, but there were also some interesting outliers. I'm looking forward to seeing if you guys were all disappointed by the same games or not. Have at it! Let the bile flow!
(And remember, just because someone says they didn't like a game you liked, it doesn't mean they dislike you personally.)
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