A criticism levelled at Sony's upcoming PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale (aside from the name) is the fact that the brand is lacking in the star power of Nintendo's Smash Bros. series.
Which it is, no question. Nobody can match Nintendo for the number of famous mascots it has under its wing. But if one company can come close, it's Sega, and while the publisher has let its characters play in series like Smash Bros. before, and has even made a wacky fighting game, it'd be a lot cooler to see it come up with its own entry in the genre.
So thank Chilean artists Maximiliano and Leonardo for this fantasy series, showing characters like Ulala, Kazuma, Axel and Billy Hatcher get their time in the ass-kicking sun.
SONIC and SEGA ALL STAR WARZONE [DeviantArt, via Destructoid]