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I Studied The Blade

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Edward Denton is an artist at WETA, where he’s worked on stuff like The Hobbit, Elysium and Chappie.


You can see more of Denton’s stuff at his ArtStation page.

Image for article titled I Studied The Blade
Image for article titled I Studied The Blade
Image for article titled I Studied The Blade
Image for article titled I Studied The Blade
Image for article titled I Studied The Blade
Image for article titled I Studied The Blade
Image for article titled I Studied The Blade
Image for article titled I Studied The Blade
Image for article titled I Studied The Blade
Image for article titled I Studied The Blade
Image for article titled I Studied The Blade
Image for article titled I Studied The Blade
Image for article titled I Studied The Blade