It’s cold where I am, at least too cold to take a swim. Which is good because our pool’s been empty since a tropical storm flooded the yard (and our basement) earlier this month.
Do we clean it out and fill it back up? Take it down and admit this summer blew? I should probably focus on cleaning out the post-flood basement first. I also need to finish putting in a fence before the lumber we bought for it starts to get all funky from sitting on the driveway. At least fall is right around the corner and we can soon enjoy chillier weather, shorter days, and being stuck inside our homes even longer. Brrrrr.
At least the crickets are still out. Despite the unusually cool and dry August we’re having in the northeast, the bugs are out here making some fucking noise and I really appreciate it. There’s even a nice, constant breeze that’s cool but not too cool. And after weeks of rain it’s finally sunny without being scorching hot. Maybe if this lasts into October things won’t be so bad.
All of which is to say that every moment this summer felt like an eternity but the season itself as flown by, and with barely anything memorable for my brain to latch onto. Did my basement even flood? Maybe not. Never mind it definitely did. Time to get the bleach.
How are the rest of you preparing for the long fall ahead?