A recent issue of Fontier Tsushin, the official Monster Hunter Frontier magazine from Famitsu publisher Enterbrain, has some helpful advice.
In a tongue-planted-firmly-in-cheek article titled "The Way To Take The Screenshots You Want ~ What a Pantsuful world ~", Enterbrain editors give readers a primer on how to take risky pics of fellow players' underpants in PC massively multiplayer online role-playing-game Monster Hunter Frontier.
It even advises players to practice taking screen grabs before going on in the field to find their panty prey and provides a sample map for primo pantsu pics.
There's a quick rundown of the different types of ladies in the game, variations of female drawers and handy excuses like "I'm searching for a contact lens I dropped" to keep you from getting caught.
女性のパンツの盗撮方法を指南する雑誌があるらしい [はちま起稿]