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How About That 2011?

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To: Ashcraft
From: Totilo
Re: Hey Facebook, What's With All The Spam?

Were you asking me if I like egg nog? You weren't, but yeah, I do. The store-bought kind. My mother-in-law made me some once and it had vodka (I think) in it. Vodka? Something alcoholic. I didn't like that.


Speaking of which, it's the Gawker Media holiday party tonight. You know, Gawker Media, our parent company. I shall raise a glass for everyone on the team. But, man, how am I going to get through all three chapters of the DS game I need to preview tomorrow morning? This is the tough life of a gaming journalist.


So. Ashcraft. Let's talk about something serious. The year two-thousand and eleven. If we're going to speculate and post all week about gaming in 2010, then why don't you and I start getting excited for 2011 too? We don't have to let the rest of the team in on this. Just you and me.


I'll start: Grand Theft Auto V? It'll be out then, no? It's gonna be good. Madden '12? I have high hopes. Diablo 3? Guaranteed. Ah, and Modern Warfare 3. Yes, just put me in the cryo-chamber now!

Oh, but then I couldn't write any more Day Notes while Crecente's out? So, please... thaw me out!


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