Season two’s sixth episode in HBO’s chronicle of House Targaryen opens with the Lannister Army arriving at Golden Tooth and meeting with the surrendering Lord Lefford. But Jason Lannister isn’t progressing towards Harrenhal without Aemond joining the battle on Vhagar.
This leads to a tension-filled Green council meeting. Aemond, unsurprisingly, doesn’t like being ordered. He proposes a deal with the Triachy to challenge Team Black’s navy and open a passageway to end the King’s Landing blockade. When Criston Cole warns Aemond of the risk, he is sent off to prepare for the Harrenhal battle. Alicent is ignored in the meeting, not to mention almost married off to a Greyjoy. She is then formally released from her council duties.
The Black council takes an exciting turn as Rhaenrya goes full force into her plan to find dragonriders hidden in the family tree. First up to bat is Ser Steffon Darklynn who has a Targaryen great-grandmother and is honored to ride a god. But we quickly learn the riskiness of this endeavor. “To claim a dragon, you must be prepared to die.”
Somehow, Daemon is still on his haunted adventure at Harrenhal, being plagued by dreams of Viserys. The first dream recalls the time Daemon referred to Viserys’ dead infant son as “the heir for a day” and the severing of their relationship. Daemon sulks like a sad puppy trapped in the throne room. The second dream acts as a visualization of Daemon’s guilty conscience. He finds Viserys sobbing over the body of his dead wife and comforts him like he wishes he had done in reality. These scenes prove just how much we all missed seeing Paddy Considine on our screens.
Daemon is certifiably manic in Harrenhal as he starts attacking Lord Strong and running away from Alys Rivers. But Rivers is still embedded in his head and gives him some much-needed “counsel.” She tells him to chill and in three days the “wind will shift.” And shift it does, in the form of Lord Grover finally perishing and his young grandson taking over Riverrun. Daemon, utterly disturbed, cries.
The dragon rider experiment sinks into literal flames as Ser Darklynn can’t tame Seasmoke. The aftermath has Rhaenyra confused about which sword to wield in this war; a real one or a metaphorical one. Her PR campaign composed by Mysaria is going down well, and the people of King’s Landing are in such dire straits that they immediately believe rumors of feasts at the Red Keep. Most importantly, the smallfolk we see throughout the show are Targaryen bastards. Ulf is disgusted at the tavern and the blacksmith rushes to acquire the food that Team Black sends via small boats. Still, Rhaenyra is so restless and sick of hearing Daemon’s name that she slaps Lord Bartimos for just yapping.
With Aemond in charge, Larys Strong is losing his influence on Team Green. Aemond sees through Larys’ constant bid to be Hand, so he asks Larys to fetch him a real Hand to the King: Otto Hightower. The PR Queen is coming back to Team Green!

Aegon is alive, and that complicates everything for Aemond. Aegon fears for his incredibly fragile life and relents that he does not remember his brother trying to murder him. Ironically, Aegon’s right eye is burned shut.
Rhaena discovers that there is a dragon loose in the Vale. It would be a shame if there were a Targaryen who could…ride it. Lord Corlys asks his (still not formally acknowledged) son, Alyn, to be his first mate. Alyn continues to reject Corlys and hides his identity by shaving his white hair.
A depressed Alicent talks to her brother Gwayne about her youngest son, Daeron. He was sent to be a ward in Oldtown and has grown to be kind. Alicent is glad one of her kids isn’t terrible yet, melancholic that it was the child she didn’t raise. She goes to the Red Keep with Helaena but street riots cut their prayers short. The queens are face-to-face with the hungry and tired smallfolk. Alicent is hit with a fish as the rioters proclaim Rhaenyra as the true Queen. Alicent and Helaena escape as the public brawl becomes deadly.
Larys sticks with his royal ally, Aegon, and delivers the news that he will be permanently disabled. We learn that Larys was born with a twisted foot and was immediately outcast by his family. He tears up as he prepares Aegon for the indignity he will face being disfigured.
After cooking Ser Darklynn, Seasmoke escapes Dragonstone, riding free. Until, that is, he chases Addam through the woods of Driftmarck. The scene cuts as Addam faces the dragon. Could this bastard son tame his half-brother’s dragon?
Throughout the episode, Rhaenyra has had backstage counsel with Mysaria. The two have evolved from queen and prisoner at odds to queen and advisor devising plans. Mysaria opens up to Rhaenyra about her past sexual abuse from her father and her infertility due to it. She pledges her belief in Rhaenyra and they share a kiss. This moment is cut terribly short as news breaks that Seasmoke has been spotted with a rider. Rhaenyra skips going to the council for riding her dragon to search for this mysterious rider.
This episode raises many questions like; Will Team Black accept a non-nobleborn dragon rider? Is the Mysaria kiss an indication of a certain Green and Black fan ship being canon? Who’s been feeding that stray dog throughout the King’s Landing blockade?
House of the Dragon is streaming now on Max.