As House of The Dragon approaches its mid-season, the show reminds viewers that this Targaryen war originated from the belief that a woman should not rule the Seven Kingdoms. The memory of Rhaena, The Fallen Queen That Never Was, refreshes both Team Green and Black to that fact.
The widowed Lord Coryls opens the episode with a dramatic single tear. Then, Criston Cole arrives back in King’s Landing parading the corpse of Meleys. This display disgusts the smallfolk who see the dead dragon as a dark omen. They realize the Gods of the sky are “just meat,” a thing they are grossly lacking due to the blockade.
King Aegon’s injured body is tended by the maesters, and the worst two minutes of medieval medicine ASMR ever ensues. Aemond looks on from the foot of Aegon’s bed, satisfied with himself. The Kinslayer may be upgraded to Kingslayer, to Alicent’s absolute horror.
The Team Black Council is up to their usual bickering. Yet, this episode focuses on how Ser Alfred dismisses Rhaenyra’s ideas and viewpoints due to her being a member of “the gentler sex.” The Team Black Council may bend the knee to the Queen, but they will not let go of the patriarchy.
Daemond’s drug-fueled gap year in Harrenhal continues. He mediates between the Blackwoods and the Brackens through sinister plots. The Brackens won’t bend the knee alongside the Blackwoods so Daemon suggests that Ser Ben Blackwood take other “persuasive” measures to get them to heel.
Rhaena arrives in the Eyrie and becomes Lady Jeyn Arryn’s ward. However, Lady Jeyn does not feel protected by the mere dragon eggs sent. While Rhaenyra lacks allies in her male council, Mysaria reminds Rhaenyra of the biggest asset in the war: the smallfolk. Since Otto Hightower lost his position on Team Green, there has not been any challenger to stoke the propaganda war. “To the discontented, rumors are feed,” Mysaria advises. Rhaenyra’s maid, Elinda, is sent to King’s Landing to start the gossip.
Alys Rivers has been augmenting Daemon’s reality in Harrenhal. She also has been reading Freud because, in this episode’s most WTF scene, Daemon dreams of bedding a silver-haired woman revealed to be his dead mother. Later on, he hears distant cries and screams of the innocent. Despite Daemon’s insecurities and anxieties being exploited by Rivers, he becomes more reckless and publicly vies for the throne.
The Green Council reports that Aegon is alive but cannot rule in a coma. Alicent offers to return to her role as regent to the King, but the men in the room reject it. Alicent’s only allies, Larys and Cole, agree that a woman should not rule and Aemond fits better. The camera zooms in slowly on Alicent as she sits, fuming at being dismissed and fearing her violent son at the head of the table. This shot is begging for a Kill Bill fan edit.

We get a continuation of the blacksmith family storyline from Episode 2. The daughter is sick and the wife wants to flee King’s Landing. There is no food and the blacksmith is still waiting for King Aegon to fulfill his union demands. However, when they try to escape, King’s Landing is barricaded. The restless crowd cries and chants “meat.”
Cole’s strategy may have lost him the smallfolk but his strategies have all changed since seeing dragons battle. There is no choice but to succumb to the mighty beasts, and Aemond will keep the battles coming.
Jace meets with the Freys and strikes a deal; The Freys will inherit Harrenhal if they bend the knee for Rhaenyra. This is the worst real estate deal ever because Harrenhal barely functions.
Rhaena tells Lord Corlys that Rhaenyra wants him to be the Queen’s Hand and gives a beautiful speech about supporting Rhaenyra’s ascent to the throne. Rhaena knows her role enough to reject being the Driftmark heir. She is of blood and fire.
Rhaenyra gets the annoying Ser Alfred off her back and sends him to bring her husband back from his nightmare vacation. Daemon’s crimes against humanity strategy fails as the Brackens and Blackwoods get him out of bed to bicker with each other in his presence. Finally, the Brackens and the Blackwoods agree on one thing: they will not fight one another under the same Team Black banner.
Aemond contently sits on the Iron Throne for the first time. Our prophetic Queen Halaena chillingly asks him if the seat was “worth the price.” We’ll have to see what her comment will yield in Aemond’s future.
The episode ends with Jace and Rhaenyra devising a strategy to strengthen their army. Team Black is blessed with dragons but short on Dragonriders. Jace suggests going down the Targaryen bloodline in other houses to find riders.
This week Alicent has lost power while Rhaenrya took her power. But how will that play when Daemon comes back? It begs the question: Has Daemon’s time in Harrenhal been a boring waste (as some fans feel) or is it subduing Team Black’s biggest liability thanks to the witch? Or are we just building to the Daemon v Aemond fight that those characters want so badly?