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Homeworld's Cutscenes Now In HD, Look...OK

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Relic's space strategy game Homeworld, one of the all-time greats, is getting a long-overdue remake so that it runs properly on modern PCs. Which means aside from prettier spaceships and asteroids, we're also getting prettier cutscenes.

Most of this clip below is marketing fluff designed as a PAX panel, but in the opening section you get to see a few bits of the game's new remastered introduction, laid out next to footage of the original.

This intro, and the game's cutscenes, remain some of my all-time favourites. They're a triumph of art design over technology, relying on little more than 2D images that scale, which even in 2001 - already an age of 3D cinematics and live-action footage - was considered "primitive". Though only in a technological sense; they pack more universe and mood into their sequences than many other games could manage with a packed-in encyclopedia.

As for Gearbox's work here, it. Mostly. I appreciate the retention of the 2D design. But part of the charm of the original was the rough pencilwork that made the world seem like it was leaping off the pages of a dreamy high schooler's notepad. The lines replacing them seem a little too clean.


Thankfully, for those not into the changes, Homeworld HD includes the original versions of both the first and second game, so anyone new to the series can see things as they were.