The list of Hollywood attempts at trying to create serious and horrific video game themed movies seems to be increasing—see Gamer, Stay Alive—but one genre it may soon be tackling is comedy.
According to a report from Variety, Warner Bros. is pursuing a sci-fi-comedy called Alt-Delete "in which two guys working for a [video game] publishing company come to realize they are avatars in a larger game." That sounds semi-familiar, because that sounds like the premise of every other video game themed movie, but this one is trying to be intentionally funny.
Variety pegs two screen writers, Tim Kelleher and Danny Zuker, as responsible for the movie both of whom appear to have ample TV sitcom experience. IMDB calls the flick Control-Alt-Delete, but who knows if that has change to prevent confusion with the online comic of the similar name.
Lynne, Shaye plot 11 pics [Variety - Image Credit]