Her name is Johanna and she has a very big shield that she hits people with. Way to remain in character, Johanna!
Blizzard hasn’t been doing a very good job of keeping Johanna a secret—details have been leaking out about her for weeks now. And by “details,” I mean the fact that she’s named Johanna, and that she’s a Crusader—a character class that was added to Diablo III in early 2014. Still no word on what her in-game abilities will be like in Heroes of the Storm, though.
UPDATE (1:05 pm): Kotaku reader Return of Samus pointed out that while Blizzard hasn’t said much about Johanna’s in-game kit for Heroes yet, clever players already managed to datamine up some info about it. Heroes Nexus describes her as a melee warrior with abilities that center around dealing lots of damage, and temporarily stunning or blinding her enemies while doing so:
All Blizzard had to say about her in a new trailer released today was that it’ll follow up with another trailer at the beginning of next week when the game’s just about to officially launch—this new trailer being solely dedicated to Johanna.
My hands are readily perched over the Q,W,E, and R keys on my keyboard in anticipation.
Johanna’s lineage makes well-suited for a tanky warrior position in Heroes of the Storm. That, and the fact that the game already has a divine warrior/knight in shining armor type support character in Uther from the Warcraft universe:
To contact the author of this post, write to yannick.lejacq@kotaku.com or find him on Twitter at @YannickLeJacq.