Tina started this week's off-topic posts with cats, and I kept it going, but I thought I'd close out the week with some dogs. Not just any dog. Ginger, one of the internet's greatest dogs.
Look, I don't know why it's so funny. I mean, I know why it's funny. But I still don't know why it's so funny. But I could watch videos of ginger eating stuff and working at a desk all day.
The laugh track is redundant for this one.
Ginger's ability to keep those ears on is makes her the definition of "good dog."
This is maybe my favorite… because of the leather jacket.
Anyhow. It's been a stressful week! I figured everyone might want to unwind with some videos of a dog with person arms. Feel free to discuss ginger, or anything else you like, here or in the Talk Amongst Yourselves forum. Have a wonderful weekend.