Surprisingly, Brian Michael Bendis isn't involved—Marvel announced the all-star teams and revealed art from three new Star Wars comic series, all set between between Episodes IV and V. I find it hard to believe a canonical story set in that time period with the classic characters has any chance of being interesting...
Star Wars: Princess Leia is a five-issue miniseries by Mark Waid and Terry Dodson, coming in March 2015.
Star Wars, an ongoing series by Jason Aaron and John Cassaday, will be out in January 2015.
Looks like R2-D2 will take out a squad of Stormtroopers with robot pee and electricity:
And Star Wars: Darth Vader, an ongoing series by Kieron Gillen and Salvador Larroca, will be out in February 2015. Seriously, who can even tell if this is new art?
Via the official site.
By comparison, the Star Wars tumblr posted this illustration by Sacha Diener today. It's more interesting than any of the art revealed for the new series:
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