When it was originally released in 2005 on the Playstation 2, Fumito Ueda’s Shadow of the Colossus was a technically ambitious game. The game revolves around a sword-wielding hero named Wander on his quest to resurrect a young woman by travelling on horseback across the vast “Forbidden Land” killing 16 giant colossi. The game has new textures and animations that make it look great, as well as 4K HDR support for people with 4K TVs and PS4 Pros. PS4 Pro owners without a 4K TV can also run it at 60 fps in “performance” mode. This is great for those of you who’ve wanted to revisit the game in 4K or for first-time players looking to see what all the hype is about. You can see seven minutes of the remake in action in the video above.
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