The folks at Monolith Productions are developing a Wonder Woman game, The Game Awards revealed tonight with a barebones teaser. And as no release date or even intended platforms were discussed, we might be waiting a while to hear more.
The short video introduced us to the eponymous Amazon warrior by way of a voice-over from her mother, Hippolyta. Besides that, it was mostly just brief glimpses of the superhero, her iconic (and suitably shiny) armor, and the Lasso of Truth, a reliable weapon that doubles as a tool for getting unruly opponents to do as Wonder Woman commands.
Update 12/10/2021 12:33 p.m. ET: According to new details provided by Warner Bros. Games, Wonder Woman will apparently utilize the patented Nemesis system Monolith introduced in its Lord of the Rings-based Shadow of Mordor duology. As such, the game more than likely tracks a hierarchy of important enemies that can grow stronger or weaker depending on events in the world and even remember your previous encounters.
“My daughter, a new threat comes to our shores, and I must call you home,” Hippolyta’s narration explains, possibly revealing some early story details. “Restore what has been broken. Unite old enemies. Forge new bonds. You are a hero, but you can be more. You can be a leader. You are Wonder Woman.”
Additional details were light, but it’s probably safe to assume that Wonder Woman will follow the same format as Monolith’s most recent work. We’re talking third-person, melee combat with an emphasis on subduing enemies and commanding armies. Then again, who knows: Maybe the devs are going back to their Blood and F.E.A.R. roots and making a first-person Wonder Woman game instead. That would be quite a curveball!
Despite being considered one of DC Comics’ most important characters alongside Superman and Batman, it feels like Wonder Woman has always gotten the short end of the stick when it comes to adaptations. Monolith’s upcoming game is her first headlining video game role since she debuted all the way back in 1941, so let’s hope the studio brings the entirety of its award-winning pedigree to bear and gives Wonder Woman the video game she’s always deserved.