Troy Baker’s voice is in a lot of games. He’s Booker DeWitt in Bioshock Infinite and Delsin Rowe in Infamous Second Son. He’s Shadow of Mordor’s Talion, Joel in The Last of Us, even Indy himself in the upcoming Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. His acting career is as long as a grocery receipt from Costco. One game you apparently won’t hear his acting chops in, though? Grand Theft Auto 6.
In an April 5 interview with film YouTuber The Movie Dweeb, Baker spoke about his work on Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us, MachineGames’ Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, and the many other games to which he’s lent his voice. Toward the end of the nearly 20-minute-long chat, Baker was asked if he’d heard the rumors about him supposedly portraying Jason, the male counterpart to GTA 6's Lucia. He’s heard the rumors, sure, but Baker flat-out denied them, saying he’s not that guy.
“He says one word,” Baker said, referencing the December 2023 GTA 6 trailer. “He says ‘trust.’ This is what’s funny. And to be honest with you, this is a great lesson for me is the perception that I—that right there is a lesson in perception. So, people think and they just automatically assume. And I want that guy, whoever it is, to get credit for his work because I’m sure it’s going to be great and I know many people who worked for Rockstar—Roger Clark and Ned Luke included—that’s a grind, man. Those guys pour themselves into those characters and they deserve all of the credit for their work. Not me. But I count it as a compliment. If people just kind of associate—especially if they think it’s good—me with it, that’s a good compliment.”
Rumors of Baker potentially lending his voice to GTA 6 began circulating immediately after Rockstar Games released the upcoming crime sim’s first (and so far only) trailer in December. As Baker explained, Jason literally says one word, which made it difficult to truly ascertain whose sultry voice was behind the stud. That didn’t stop fans from speculating that maybe Baker was voicing the character on the down-low, that maybe he couldn’t or didn’t say anything because the game is still being worked on. Well, according to Baker himself, at least, while his voice is seemingly everywhere, it isn’t in GTA 6.
Speaking of Baker being everywhere, he also mentioned Bethesda Softworks, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, and Todd Howard. After rambling about assumptions and perceptions, Baker explained that Bethes-dad Howard didn’t want Baker in his game—Baker didn’t clarify which game—because he’s everywhere.
“Like Todd Howard going, ‘I don’t want Troy Baker in my game because Troy Baker’s in every game,’” Baker said. “Listen, man, whoever thought that would be a problem…Whoever thought having a lot of work could prevent you from getting work. So, to me, it’s a reminder that I’ve had an incredibly remarkable career. The credits I’ve been able to amass and the characters I’ve been able to play, it’s by definition truly remarkable. That is not lost on me, and I’m exceedingly grateful for that. I also need to make sure I am being a good steward of those credits, that career, and this industry, and if there’s ever a role and people were like, ‘Meh, you weren’t that great in it,’ I probably should’ve said no to it, you know? To me, it’s the ones where people go, ‘I had no idea that was you.’ Those are the ones where I go, ‘I really did my job.’”
Well, we may have to wait a while yet to find out who is voicing Jason in Grand Theft Auto 6, as it doesn’t launch until 2025 or, maybe, 2026. If you want to hear Baker’s voice in something new, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, an action-adventure game set between 1981's Raiders of the Lost Ark and 1989's The Last Crusade, will launch as an Xbox exclusive sometime this year.