Well, after years of rumors and fake-outs, it’s finally happened. Rockstar Games has confirmed that the next entry in the Grand Theft Auto franchise is in active development. We already knew this was the case, of course, based on a variety of reports and leaks—not to mention how long it’s been since the last GTA game was released. But still.
The new post, simply titled “Grand Theft Auto Community Update” covers a lot of GTA news, including more information on how GTA Online will evolve on next-gen consoles and features to expect in the new ports of GTA V coming in March. It sounds promising, and the visual updates are top-notch.
But the big news was found all the way at the end. Rockstar Games has now officially confirmed the next entry in the GTA franchise is currently in development. And while Rockstar didn’t share any real details about the game, I expect many will just be happy to hear it exists.
Here’s the publisher’s full statement about the next GTA title:
“With the unprecedented longevity of GTAV, we know many of you have been asking us about a new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series. With every new project we embark on, our goal is always to significantly move beyond what we have previously delivered — and we are pleased to confirm that active development for the next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series is well underway. We look forward to sharing more as soon as we are ready, so please stay tuned to the Rockstar Newswire for official details.”
In the statement, Rockstar didn’t officially say “GTA 6" which I expect will lead to countless internet rumors and theories about what that actually means. I’d not read too much into that though, as announcing a title is something the publisher would most likely want to do at a later date via a YouTube trailer or live event.
Interesting to see Rockstar acknowledge the “unprecedented longevity” of Grand Theft Auto V. That’s a nice way of saying “Holy shit, this game is still popular in 2022?!” Though I doubt that will help win over fans who have long since grown impatient waiting for the next entry in the series. It’s also just a funny, if not diplomatic way of saying we’ve been selling you the same game for years now.
While this is the first time Rockstar itself has so openly talked about the next entry in the franchise, it’s not the first time we’ve heard reliable information about GTA 6. Back in 2020, Kotaku reported on the next GTA being in some stage of development and that it will feature a map that expands and changes over time. This plan is reportedly being carried out to mitigate stress and crunch, issues the publisher has faced in the past on big games like Red Dead Redemption 2.
Meanwhile, the GTA community has spent the past few years searching and digging for anything that could point them towards the existence of GTA 6 or reveal details about Rockstar’s next open-world adventure. This has led to some weird things. Like that time a bunch of fans thought a robot on the publisher’s website was teasing GTA 6. Another fan stormed a live TV show to demand the next GTA. Other fans became obsessed with a random dirt road in Virginia after coordinates for that road appeared in a GTA Online trailer. Most recently, the community seemed convinced that a piece of artwork in the poorly-received GTA San Andreas remaster was a clue towards GTA 6, which is reportedly set in Vice City.
Now, at the very least fans can stop wondering if the next GTA is being made, as Rockstar has confirmed it. Beyond that, well, I expect GTA 6 will continue to trend online even as no new details are released. That’s just how the SEO-focused online world of today works.
Originally released in 2012, GTA V has since been ported to PC, PS4, Xbox One and will soon make the leap to PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, meaning it has now existed across three console generations. Wild. Though the original version of GTA Online was recently shut down, the PS4 and Xbox One versions continue to be popular and receive huge updates every year.