Legate Lanius is a Fallout foe that was forged through blood—and this fan film by FalloutLanius tells his most gruesome story.
From the YouTube description:
On the brink of ruin, the Hidebark people are about to be wiped out by the slaving organization, Caesar's Legion. However, their most ruthless warrior would prefer death to dishonour. "FALLOUT: LANIUS" will recount how a single man brings ruin to his people due to his lust for bloodshed and victory.
Fallout: Lanius was crowdfunded in late 2012 via Indiegogo for $19,000. The film was shot in Perth, Western Australia. We have had a tremendous amount of support from both Bethesda Softworks and Obsidian Entertainment.
It's pretty good, right? Still, given how long it's been since New Vegas, I'm sure I'm not the only one that watched this while pining for a new game. For now, this dark fan film will have to do.