The number three MMORPG gold-seller on the internet,, has just made the ultimate transaction, with the website purchased by a private equity company for $10 million.
The website, which specializes in the farming and selling of in-game money from massively-multiplayer online games like World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XI, and Everquest II, has by purchased by My MMO Inc. to the tune of $10 million.
“ appealed to us because of its strong reputation for providing optimal customer service,” says Hunter Crowell, My MMO Inc.’s Media Relations Agent. “That focus will continue with our purchase.”
Crowell noted that with more and more people spending their time at home playing video games in the face of a troubled economy, traditional investing is a risky prospect. In this volatile time, virtual currency is one of the few in-demand items left to invest in.
I wonder how much of that $10 million the farmers themselves will see?