Last week, God of War (2018) ended its longtime PlayStation exclusivity with a splashy release on PC. Critics heaped praise on the port’s beefed-up visuals and found it a good excuse to return to one of the last console generation’s true masterpieces. But now that it’s been out for a week, what does the broader public think?
Read More: God Of War Is Getting Rave Reviews On PC
No surprise here, but players predominantly love God of War’s PC version. On Steam, a whopping 97 percent of its 13,000-and-counting reviews are marked as positive (as of this writing). Quite a few of those are from folks clamoring for a PC release of Bloodborne. But some players actually had good things to say about God of War itself.
Much praise focused on visual enhancements, which allow for ultrawide support, 1440p resolution, and framerates far higher than the 30fps God of War ran at on the base PlayStation 4. Others noted how, unlike some PC ports, God of War just…works. And a handful of folks were over the moon about what this port suggests for platform-agnostics, remarking how revelatory it feels to play God of War (historically a PlayStation thing) with an Xbox controller (historically an Xbox thing) on PC (once upon a time, not even invited to the party).
Newcomers, meanwhile, fell in love with everything we fell in love with four years ago: the story steeped in Norse mythology, the weighty axe-throwing, the gradually thawing coldness between Kratos and his son vis-a-vis a well-written relationship that suggested long overdue maturation for storytelling in games, and the cinematic one-shot camera.
Of the handful who actually wrote negative reviews, many focused on “negative mouse acceleration,” meaning the cursor moves less space on the screen the faster you move it, though comments in response suggest those players try playing with a controller. Those reviews are alongside more generalized complaints about errors like crashes and drops in framerate.
And, of course, the entire reviews section is littered with “dad” jokes. Here, as told by Steam reviews, is God of War on PC.