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Get Your Free Invincible Tiger Soundtrack

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Any fan of cheesy 1970's Hong Kong action cinema would be remiss if they didn't snag a free copy of the soundtrack to Blitz Games Studios' Invincible Tiger.

Invincible Tiger is a downloadable Kung Fu action game that's just been released for Xbox Live Arcade and the PlayStation Network, and while the full game will run you 1200 Microsoft points or $15, the full soundtrack is now available completely free of charge. Like any good 70's martial arts movie soundtrack, Invincible Tiger's music combines traditional Asian music with a healthy dose of funky bass, horns, and the infamous 'wakka-chikka' guitar sound that certainly has a name other than 'wakka-chikka' that someone in the comment section will call me out for not using.

I've yet to play the game itself, but if it's half as good as the music I might have to dedicate a little bit of my weekend to giving it a go.


Invincible Tiger Original Soundtrack [Big Download]