Gearbox recognizes that there are some...flaws with Aliens: Colonial Marines. That's why they're continuing to work on patching the game.
At their PAX East panel today, the developers announced a few more fixes that players will see in future patches.
Chris Faylor community manager at Gearbox mentioned the most notable changes:
- More aggressive AI
- Tweaked difficulty
- Better data protection
- More combat feedback (Smart Gun Tracking, Xeno Death Animation)
- Improved PC Visuals
- Support for Hot Fixes coming online
But... that's it. No apology has been mentioned officially yet. Just a commitment to future patches. But whether or not those will significantly change such a mangled game isn't clear. So far the bullet-pointed changes are too vague to make sense of.
They noted at the panel today that some people aren't happy with the outcome of the game. But they maintain that they are still in love with the universe. We'll see if that translates.