The Metal Gear series’ future was uncertain after creator Hideo Kojima left Konami. Metal Gear Survive tosses away…
Hello all you post-Singularity orgasm-antelopes of the noosphere, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating…
Today, Amazon announced their new proprietary game engine, finally confirming Kotaku’s report that they had spent…
Ever thought The Walking Dead would be better with cute anime high school girls? Well, Japan has heard your prayers.
This isn't your typical Five Nights at Freddy's clone game. Built entirely in Halo 2, this take on Five Nights at…
Video games have got a graffiti problem. So much video-game graffiti is dumb, unrealistic, or hamfisted. Considering…
The Last of Us hasn't been around for that long, but that doesn't mean we can't infect our live brains with some…
Sunset Overdrive, the Xbox One's whacky new open-world shooter, got its first batch of downloadable content this…