You could pick Suda51's work—like Killer7 or the more recent No More Heroes and Shadows of the Damned—out of a…
Zed is an android. But unlike other androids, he has always had a very special dream to sport a space suit entirely made of gold. It's now up to you to guide Zed through ten levels and collect enough gold pieces to fulfill his dream. Your quest begins in the Gold mines, deep down in the underworld. Play Zed game online on your mobile phone, tablet or computer.
You could pick Suda51's work—like Killer7 or the more recent No More Heroes and Shadows of the Damned—out of a…
Juliet Starling is a dangerous high school girl in trouble. She's the star of Lollipop Chainsaw, the rainbow-bright…
2K Games today announced the first DLC package for Borderlands, Gearbox's open-world "role-playing shooter" due to…
CG movie Planet 51 isn't just getting the obligatory console game tie-in when it hits theaters this November, as Zed…
Never mind that Hanuman: Boy Warrior - billed as the first console game developed entirely in India - is a crappy…