Years before Sega did what Nintendon’t the two gaming giants briefly went head to head in the newly discovered…
On July 15, 1983, the Famicom was released in Japan. The console, later rebranded in the West as the Nintendo…
There's Donkey Kong in this video. Zaxxon. Kuribo's shoe. And is that a Castlevania reference? Check out bay area…
This is Moonlight, a game from Firebase Industries that's so new it doesn't even have a platform yet. What it does have is that sweet, sweet Zaxxon-meets-Macross vibe. [Firebase]
Each week dozens of new gaming apps are released across the various mobile platforms, imaginative original works…
There had never been anything like Zaxxon when it released. At the time, kids considered it the first 3D game, even…
30 years ago Sega's isometric space shooter Zaxxon took arcades by storm, confusing early gamers with its…
Since for most of arcade gaming's heyday graphics weren't exactly easy on the eye, to lure customers in companies…
The Smithsonian American Art Museum revealed the winners of its public vote to decide what games will be featured in…