I’ve put 81 hours into Divinity: Original Sin 2 over the last 12 days. When I wasn’t playing, I was thinking about…
Worm Run is an iOS side-scrolling platformer by Golden Ruby Games featuring intuitive swipe based controls.
I’ve put 81 hours into Divinity: Original Sin 2 over the last 12 days. When I wasn’t playing, I was thinking about…
Slime-San is the type of twitchy, lighting-quick platformer I‘m happy to spend hours dying in.
Is alcohol a snack? The answer is normally no, but there are exceptions. Is the alcohol in question a limited craft…
I didn’t expect to get so into StarBreak. It’s a free-to-play sidescrolling MMO—think Contra, but with, like, 30…
It’s rare that gamers ever get to hear the full story behind how (and why) a game was made. So it’s awesome that…
Increasingly, I find mods to be representative of gaming communities’ ids, of their most fervent, unhinged desires.…
Last month, game releases picked up in speed after the end-of-holiday lull of December. As a result, we have 21…
You might suspect that The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes is skippable, an inessential spinoff that is more…
Taiwanese League of Legends team Flash Wolves was widely expected to beat European opponent Origen today in the…