WOS is an interactive game for streamers that can be played with the audience through Twitch chat! Players challenge themselves to form words from mixed letters that are displayed on the screen.
Twitch users post over 300 messages per second and frankly, a lot of them are garbage. That’s okay, though. Under…
Late last year, Twitch’s most popular wig-wearing angry man, Dr Disrespect, went on a hiatus after announcing that…
Sometimes, it just isn’t enough to speedrun a game. Sometimes, you need to get your hands dirty. One speedrunner…
Keeping his promise from two weeks ago, Dominique “SonicFox” McLean showed up to the Clutch 2018 fighting game…
On Friday afternoon, news leaked that Twitch had cut more than 25 jobs, mostly from Twitch Studios, an in-house…
In anime A Place Further than the Universe, a girl with long black hair drops an envelope containing 1,000,000 yen…
Esports broadcaster Richard Lewis posted a scanned hard copy of what he says is the Overwatch League rulebook…
Twitch streamer Hyphonix admits that he’s made some “mistakes.” A lot of mistakes, in fact. Enough to get himself…
Hello all you urchins of intervention, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the dating advice column that plays support…