Whether you want a 2DS or 3DS XL, today is a good day to get one. The highlight here is the 2DS bundled with Pokemon…
A mobile mashup of scrabble and poker
Whether you want a 2DS or 3DS XL, today is a good day to get one. The highlight here is the 2DS bundled with Pokemon…
Like Ace Attorney? Well, Capcom is making a brand new Ace Attorney that, according to Nintendo president Satoru…
Long the 800-lb gorilla of handheld gaming, the DS is in its twilight, besieged by smartphones and pushed aside by…
The MOGA Ace Power is the first Apple certified, iOS 7 compliant video game controller on the market. No one can…
What a title today right? It's been a slow week for deals (besides the Humble Bundles), but things have really…
I spent a lot of last week watching anime in an attempt to find the five anime you should be watching this summer.…
Over the years there have been some great (and terrible) Gundam games. But while many games let you pilot a Gundam, G…
Ever wonder how Capcom’s greatest heroes and heroines would look as samurai? Or ninja? Or geisha? Well now is your…
Okay, yes, Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies isn't even out in the West yet, so it's a bit early to talk about DLC, but…
2013 sure has been something, huh? From the wonder of Ni no Kuni to the rejuvenation of Final Fantasy, this has been…