Few manage to be masters of their destiny. Many give in to duty, others try to rebel and fail in the attempt. What will be your case? Dare, find out. You could say you were leading a normal life, but you always felt different from the rest. You returned from Canada to your hometown after Mom passed away. But everything changed radically the day you met Ceina, (ex) Queen of Heaven. What does your help ask to stop his sister, his counterpart, Satanichia. To do this, you must train and strengthen your powers in a very unique and erotic way. While you continue working in an exclusive Women's Academy, and caring for the little family you still have. Will you be able to fulfill your destiny? From protecting the people you care about? Which path will you choose?
On November 2, 2018, Blizzard closed its annual BlizzCon keynote by announcing, to scattered applause, a Diablo game…
When people talk about the current golden age of TV, they’re usually referring to big, serious dramas like Breaking…
Destiny PvP has always been where I look to more deeply understand the mechanics underpinning the game. When I look…
Remember when Destiny 1 players figured out that you could easily beat a raid boss by pulling your LAN cable?…
If you’ve played a lot of Destiny, you know that connectivity issues can be a real bummer. Many of the worst issues…
This week, The Division got its first major expansion. It adds some pretty cool stuff to the game, but I’ve been…
Every year in gaming is full of shocks and surprises. This year had some really good ones.
I am late. The mysteries have been solved. The loot cave has come and gone. I’m the guy just now turning in his…
This week, Rockstar is re-releasing Grand Theft Auto V on PS4 and Xbox One. The new version, which also comes to…