The value of social capital, to put it simplistically, lies in the collective. You've probably heard it before:…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from We Kill Monsters
We Kill Monsters is a solo or co-op adventure set in a mysterious and massive pit. You are a Husk of Edinu, homunculi created to explore the depths and hunt Angels.
The value of social capital, to put it simplistically, lies in the collective. You've probably heard it before:…
The last new Ultima game to see daylight was Lord of Ultima, a browser strategy game more or less totally unrelated…
I'm not particularly good at any video game genre, unless Tetris can be considered a genre all on its own. Naturally…
For me, beating a game isn't in reaching the end point. Finishing a game is easy enough. Having the highest stats,…
It's the final week of my coverage of En Masse Entertainment's massively multiplayer fantasy role-playing game Tera.…
Onechanbara Z Kagura is the latest budget title in a long series of budget titles. Originally part of the Simple…
It takes a strong party of adventurers to take down a dragon, but an even stronger party to dissect a game as…
I just watched two people from Naughty Dog play The Last of Us in Santa Monica. It was the best demo for a game I've…
I'm in California this week for the purpose of checking out a bunch of video games that will be shown at E3 next…
Is there anything worse than killing a child? It's one of the most reprehensible things a person can do. Not just in…