The Amiibo toys launched this week alongside Super Smash Bros. Wii U, the colorful pieces of plastic adding a new…
The Amiibo toys launched this week alongside Super Smash Bros. Wii U, the colorful pieces of plastic adding a new…
Good news: Dragon Age: Inquisition is pretty great. Less-good news: Being a story-heavy role-playing game, it…
It's a week for celebration, as music, dancing and singing games line up to welcome the continuation of beloved…
It's refreshing to know that in these days of intense video game scrutiny, a major publisher like Activision can…
Many people seem to think that Destiny's story is, well, lackluster. But what if most people are missing one big key…
(Announced) Games Slated To Appear At The Tokyo Game Show This Week Read more
It's a week of tiny gems and quirky Japanese imports, a relaxing respite before the season of "massive games you…
They are so colorful and detailed. Artist AbyssWolf put together a fantastic piece with all the playable characters…
While the plot, setting, and characters may all be of Zelda lineage, make no mistake, when it comes to gameplay,…
Hyrule Warriors, the new game that crosses the world of Zelda with that of Dynasty Warriors, is already out in…