It's refreshing to know that in these days of intense video game scrutiny, a major publisher like Activision can still find time to lift a cheek and let one slip out while no one is looking.
I am assuming the Duck Dynasty game will be horrible, based purely on the fact that no one's talked about it much and all I've seen are screenshots like the one above, which doesn't inspire much of anything.
Thankfully most of you won;t have to play it. You'll be busy with Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel or The Evil Within or Petz Beach. Knowing my luck, Totilo will see this and assign Duck Dynasty to me, and there'll be no escape.
Tuesday, October 14
- Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel | PC/PS3/Xbox 360
- Peggle 2 | PS4
- Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus | Vita
- Tears to Tiara 2: Heir of the Overlord | PS3
- The Evil Within | PC/PS3/PS4/Xbox 360/Xbox One
- Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures 2 | 3DS/PS3/Xbox 360/Wii U
- Poptropica Forgotten Islands | 3DS
- Petz Beach |3DS
- Petz Countryside | 3DS
- Duck Dynasty | 3DS/Xbox 360/PS3/PS4/Xbox One/PC
- Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition | PS4, Xbox One
- Raven's Cry | PC/PS3/PS4/Xbox 360
- PlayStation TV
- Best of Board Games | PS3/Vita
- In Space We Brawl | PS3/PS4
- Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut | PS4
- Nidhogg |PS4/Vita
Wednesday, October 15
- Legend of Grimrock II | PC
- Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition | PC
Thursday, October 16
- Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut | Wii U
- Harvest Moon 2 | 3DS eShop
- The Legend of Dark Witch | 3DS eShop
Coming Soon
Tuesday, October 21
- Battlefield 4 Premium Edition | PS4/PS3/Xbox One/PC
- F1 2014 | PS3/Xbox 360/PC
- Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition | PS3/PS4/Xbox 360/Xbox One
- The Voice | Wii/Wii U/PS3/Xbox 360
- Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved | Xbox 360/Xbox One
- Just Dance 2015 | Wii/Wii U/PS3/PS4/Xbox 360/Xbox One
- The Legend of Korra | PC/PS3/PS4/Xbox 360/Xbox One
- Dreamfall Chapters | PC
- Shadow Warrior |PS4/Xbox One
- Samurai Warriors 4 | PS3/PS4/Vita
Friday, October 24
- Bayonetta 2 | Wii U
- Pokemon Art Academy | 3DS
- Fantasy Life | 3DS
- Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth | PC