I think Uncharted 2 was the best game of 2009. By a country mile. Why? Because Uncharted 2 was also 2009's best…
I think Uncharted 2 was the best game of 2009. By a country mile. Why? Because Uncharted 2 was also 2009's best…
Jonah Wade is a madman whose paid soldiers are blowing up Shanghai. Also, he used to make action movies to recruit…
Mad Catz, once known for concentrating more on quantity than quality, is turning over a new leaf, the company's…
Well, I've played twenty-five hours of Final Fantasy XIII in the past few days, and the one thing I can say with…
Looking back on 2009's many kerfuffles and foofaraws, it may not have been the most contentious year the gaming…
I am so stuck on a video game right now. Should I rage quit, read a walkthrough or just cry out to the Internet via…
With at least one potential game of the year exclusively nesting on the Playstation 3 and a price drop under its…
New Halo, new downloadables for Mass Effect, Fallout 3, and Grand Theft Auto, new Forza. It was a pretty good year…
Today's the day, the magical day. We're throwing a party in Child's Play's honor and you're invited.
If you've played Modern Warfare 2 — and if you've died at any point in the game's campaign — you may have received…