Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water on Wii U has been available in Japan for a while now, but it finally showed up…
In Under the Skin, players must cause as much chaos and panic as possible by taking on the identity of the various people he or she encounters throughout CoCo Town and other environments. Equipped with a special ray gun, gamers can scan and absorb the DNA of anyone they target. With this genetic material, Cosmi can take the form and attributes of anyone he's zapped. For example while in human form, sing a song only dogs could appreciate, causing those nearby to drop coins that must be collected. Catch them all as these coins are what Cosmi and his enemies are being judged on in order to return home. But beware; causing such disruption puts Cosmi in danger of being caught and having his true alien identity revealed.
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water on Wii U has been available in Japan for a while now, but it finally showed up…
After Twitter user c0mpl3x1ty had a few drinks, they booted up Techland’s open world zombie game, Dying Light. An…
The first time I played League of Legends against other people, I had no idea what I was doing. I don’t remember…
When the credits rolled on SOMA, my head fell into my hands. I felt relief that the harrowing journey was over, and…
I’ve raked through miserable game store story after even more miserable game store story. So it warms my heart and…
Nobody likes Hitman: Agent 47. It’s one of the worst-reviewed movies of the year, and it’s not making much at the…
UPDATE (5:30 pm): Riot’s Jeffrey Lin has issued a follow up statement to the one this post originally covered,…
Surviving the summer Comiket (Comic Market) isn’t just about rules and manners—sometimes it’s about beating the…
“We were all on Adderall,” Kory “SEMPHIS” Friesen said. That was the moment when the latest eSports scandal kicked…