To bop the elephant in the room squarely on its cuboid hooter, Skysaga: Infinite Isles looks an awful, awful lot…
A game for the GamePark 32.
To bop the elephant in the room squarely on its cuboid hooter, Skysaga: Infinite Isles looks an awful, awful lot…
Two talented LEGO builders, Eli Willsea and Grant Davis built a a pirate-themed island for this year's BrickCon…
(Announced) Games Slated To Appear At The Tokyo Game Show This Week Read more
Eleven kilometers off the coast of Chernarus, the map zombie-and-player-killing simulator DayZ takes place on, lies…
Last year Nintendo dressed its developers up in cat ears and paraded them in front of a huddled group of attendees…
Spring means we get rain, flowers, warmer weather and, more importantly, a new anime season. But with 60 new anime…
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is a vast game. Edward Kenway's groovy pirate adventure will likely devour the free…
What do recent and imminent releases Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Battlefield 4, and Batman: Arkham Origins have…
There are Marios, and there are Zeldas, and then there are the little games for 3DS and Wii U—the indies that might…
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