The Dark Souls games have some grueling and difficult boss fights, but that doesn’t stop committed players from…
It can be difficult, as a jaded adult, to appreciate a great fairy tale—one where the hero always wins and naivety…
Harry Potter has not had the most illustrious history when it comes to video game adaptations. It looks like things…
Last fall, Dishonored 2 ripped me right out of my gaming funk. I tore through the game in two days, scouring every…
While Steam gets a lot of hype for discounted prices, you don’t actually have to spend any money to enjoy some of…
The fastest way to beat the iconic role-playing game Final Fantasy IV isn’t to dash through the final dungeon or…
At first glance, The Messenger looks like any number of pixel-art projects trying to recreate the magic of…
Star Butterfly, the titular character of Star vs The Forces of Evil, is a perfect princess for a show that’s filled…