Out on Feb 14, 2017, here’s a good chunk of gameplay from Ubisoft’s upcoming action game, For Honor. Specifically,…
Most fans know Garth Ennis as the co-creator of signature series like Preacher or killer runs on the Punisher. But…
Horror games have one simple purpose: scaring you. They’re fueled by long moments of tension which erupt in a brief…
These days we’re spoiled for cooperative games. From Halo to Left4Dead and most recently The Division, the modern…
If you grab them right now, Jet Set Radio and a handful of other Sega games aren’t just free for the moment; they’re…
Stoic Games is a tiny developer. While their Viking-inspired strategy game The Banner Saga became a hit, they didn’t…
People don’t just like Undertale; they love it. This game is personal for them. It’s personal for me, too.
Blizzard’s team-based shooter is now in beta, and those who played on the Japanese-themed map Hanamura, could…
One odd thing that sets League of Legends apart from Dota 2 and Heroes of the Storm is the fact that the other games…