It’s been five months since Civ VI was released, and if you thought—like with Civ V—that you’d be waiting years for…
Today on Highlight Reel we have Viking mimes, close shaves, gods worth dying for, and much more!
Today on Highlight Reel we have Overwatch expectations vs. reality, viking alley-oops, malfunctioning metal death…
The first round of For Honor’s faction war ended yesterday with a surprising upset by the Vikings. Initially…
Invented by German Inventor Hans Beck in 1974, Playmobil has been a toy store mainstay for decades, yet it’s never…
In For Honor, it’s hard to tell you’re fighting a lady until one of you is dead. Helmets and armor are so thick and…
Today on Highlight Reel we have missed Pokémon opportunities, subtle knives, viking chaos dunks, vortex shields,…
I’ve chopped, smashed, and stabbed more medieval bodies in the past few days than I can count. I’ve also been cut…
Nearly five years after funding the first installment of its hand-animated turn-based tactics game on Kickstarter,…