Hello there, readers. Welcome to day two (or, depending on how you look at it, day three) of E3 2010. We've another…
It's a short story about a villager that is looking for his sword and stumbles upon a cursed fox.
Hello there, readers. Welcome to day two (or, depending on how you look at it, day three) of E3 2010. We've another…
We're currently sitting in on Nintendo's E3 briefing, an informal little get-together that's becoming quite the E3…
I've always been quite sensitive to certain types of friction. (I considered writing that sentence 10 different…
We get a new Zelda this fall, as Link gets a train, a phantom friend to do some of his dirty work and a new species…
Fathers are easy to find in video games. When they're not antagonizing their offspring or killed off in the first…
Mothers have it tough in video games – they get killed off, turned evil, or their children leave the nest to save…
This week's Nintendo Download features two new downloadable titles for your DSi, a Pitfall adventure on the Virtual…
With the recent excitement surrounding the inclusion of full-frontal male nudity in Grand Theft Auto 4's…
I think Sony's PSN could use some more PSone downloadables. I'm glad to see Capcom agrees with me.
Home Beta Gets Beards, Loses Voice With Latest Patch
Comment by: Aname
Nominated by: Gyaruson