One of the strangest features in Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, which comes out today, is called the gambit…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from The Sequence 2
Visual Programming Puzzle game inspired by Spacechem and other Zachtronics games.
One of the strangest features in Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, which comes out today, is called the gambit…
This year’s Sony E3 conference closed on an impressive demo of Insomniac’s upcoming open-world Spider-Man game. I…
Insomniac’s Spider-Man, first shown at last year’s E3 (and which despite the timing has nothing to do with the new…
In 2012, as work on Mass Effect 3 came to a close, a small group of top BioWare employees huddled to talk about the…
This was the scene in the Tropicana Showroom Theater in Atlantic City last night after the day’s Smash Bros. Melee…
And to think, we were impressed when someone recreated just one sequence of the movie. But now a Russian crew has…
There’s a new Guardians of the Galaxy movie! Let’s talk about it.
There’s a certain strain of Nintendo fan that’s probably wondering, these days: What’s up with Wario platformers?…
Late last year, it was revealed that Link would become a racer in Mario Kart 8. But that wasn’t his first Mario…
I’m betting that a lot of people who played Far Cry 2 didn’t finish it. It’s a chaotic, grueling game, and it’s at…