CulturePokemonCulturePokemonBonsly Will Die If It Doesn't Cry EnoughWhy do we scream at each other? This is what it sounds like when Bonsly cries.ByZack ZwiezenPublishedSeptember 11, 2021
CultureFeatureCultureFeatureAnd Now, The Ultimate Retro Gaming DeviceSpecial FPGA circuits transform the MiSTer into whichever retro gaming hardware you desireByMike FaheyPublishedSeptember 2, 2021
AnimeAnimeGorgeous New Pokémon Series Visits Every Game RegionPokémon Evolutions visits a different region of the Pokémon world every episodeByMike FaheyPublishedSeptember 2, 2021
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Kotaku EastSouth KoreaKotaku EastSouth KoreaSouth Korea Abolishing Controversial Gaming Shutdown LawPassed in 2011, the law banned younger players from gaming between 12AM and 6AMByBrian AshcraftPublishedAugust 25, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsIGN Reposts Yanked Palestinian Aid Article Three Months LaterIGN staff clashed with management over editorial independence earlier this yearByEthan GachPublishedAugust 24, 2021