Whenever I played the LEGO Star Wars games, I would spend way too much time farming studs. I did this because…
The No Button Game is a fast paced button-free platform game that does not require the use of buttons or sticks to be played. Place your wireless controller on a box then tap with your fingers and it is done! Don't you have a wireless controller or a box handy? No worries, there's the one button mode.
Whenever I played the LEGO Star Wars games, I would spend way too much time farming studs. I did this because…
Today Sega releases the Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle bringing two of Platinum Games’ best to the…
I don’t know about you, but I’m no fan of motion controls. In Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, I immediately deactivated the…
When I left the theater after a private screening of Sonic the Hedgehog, one of the organizers walked up to me with…
There have always been slight regional differences between consoles, but when the Nintendo Entertainment System hit…
The duology of Last Window and Hotel Dusk has become my favorite series on the original DS. The two games are noir at…
Zelda speedrunning is always changing. Long-sought skips have been found in The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, and O…
Platinum Games is hoping to crowdfund The Wonderful 101 to the Nintendo Switch—and maybe even Steam and PS4. That…
To make up for all those times I used a console gamepad to play first-person shooters on PC, I’ve purchased a…